I was looking into an analytics tool to check the current status of a site, and was blown away by interest in my blog posts.
Your continued interest in the #cloudmarathoner perspective and interest to check and learn – adds extra motivation to my blogging, as it brings a visible value to the community.
All right, without any overdue, here is are the statistics for the last quarter:
Looks like our blog is doing pretty well on all categories. Although most users are visiting from the US and India, there are blog readers from all over the world.Β
And of course there is not much activity, as i was on a summer break during July and beginningΒ of August π
Just want to say ” HUGEΒ Thank You !!! ” – for continuedΒ interest and support in #cloudmarathoner content!
Support & Subscribe to #cloudmarathoner LinkedIn tag Stay tuned for more Azure IoT, Automation & Security related posts.
Fα΄ΚΚα΄α΄‘ α΄α΄ α΄Ι΄α΄ become α΄ #cloudmarathoner – πππ’π πππππππ
This month we have awesome updates from Azure bicep team that I am happy to share with all of you (Azure community, Deployment Automation, Resource management and Governance geeks π
The following list are August month updates:
Bicep Linter, Snippets, Scaffolding
Right click build
Deployment Stack updates
Bicep roadmap plans (v0.5 and eventually v1.0)
Bicep registry
OCI Artifact standardizations
Module registry functionality
Module Reference Syntax
Parameter Improvement options
Bicep Linter updates
The yellow squiggly lines indicate the Linter violations and complains where best practices are violated. Like, password param should not be checked into the code repository. Another one is using string concat function instead of string interpolation.
Right click build
The right click build on bicep file is a new convince feature that was also added on new build.
You can also use a shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+B as an alternative way to build your JSON files from bicep files.
Scaffolding feature
This feature also arrived on a v0.4.6 build that provides required-properties to be auto populated to speed up your Azure resource coding. It is derived from a resources swagger spec and auto-populated for you. Yay!
New Code Snippets
You will love to discover that bunch of new snippets has been added.
Just type res- and you will scroll over all those starter boilplet code. Just imagine how much time you will be saving. It is Huge!!!
Bicep Roadmap annoncements
Well, Bicep team annonced that next build will bring the v0.5 and they do target v1.0 by th end of the year. What does it mean is – there will be no API level breaking changes starting from the version v1.0.
What is Next?
Keep tuned for upcoming v0.5 version. The Module registry updates and syntax updates on OCI Artifacts are going to be next Huge things, as they will add into the maturity of this AWESOME tool in Azure!
I was prompted to update my CLI and wanted to share this easy experience with everyone.
There is an easy straightforward process to check & update your favourite Azure CLI in a few minutes without leaving the command line tool of your choice.
There are 2 commands that you would ever need going forward, assuming that your version of CLI is already “2.x”.
Check your az cli version
Just run the az version --help command first.
Check the AZ CLI version
Running update on AZ CLI
Next, run the az upgrade command and press key Y when prompted to continue.
Upgrade the AZ CLI version
And finally, check the updated version and its extensions if needed.
Verify upraded version and Bicep
In case your AZ CLI is up to date, you could always run az bicep upgrade command and get the job done.
Stay tuned for more Azure automation & Security related posts.