Hello Cloud Marathoners!
Few weeks ago, I participated in the Microsoft OpenHack Containers event. This was an awesome event where I had a chance to coach a team of professionals to tackle containerization challenges.
What is Microsoft OpenHack
Microsoft OpenHack is a developer-focused engagement that connects development teams (Open) with experts to tackle a series of real-world challenges through hands-on experimentation (Hack) in person or online (Virtual).

What was in the challenge?
We started with good old docker tooling for containers and ended up migrating those several containers and dependencies to the Azure Kubernetes Services. However, the most interesting part was applying best practices and security configurations to the migrated workloads.
Due to participation disclosure agreement, I would not be able to detail each team challenge (about 7-8). However, this was real teamwork that required learning and experimenting for all the team members.
My team went through ups and downs while trying to complete the necessary number of challenges to earn the badge. I am very happy that my team was able to complete the required challenges, learn important hands-on skills, and get their well deserved badges.
I was very pleased to help my team along their containerization journey. At the end, I feel very honored and appreciated to receive an OpenHack Containers Coach badge.

Interested to get started with containers in Azure ?
Check out the following #free resources to start your own containerization learning path in Azure:
- Administer containers in Azure
- Introduction to Kubernetes on Azure
- Develop and deploy applications on Kubernetes
Thank you 🙌 for reading this post and checking the learning resources above.
Please, feel free to share your experience with the #cloudmarathoner community.
I will be happy to share your experience and tips here as well. 🎉
I am planning to keep this post up to date with your valuable contributions going forward!