Finally, the GitHub profile is updated 🎉

Hello friends,

Hope everyone is having a great start in 2022.

I have to postpone a couple of things at the end of 2021 due to unexpected events, and one of them was updated to my old GitHub account.

Since the beginning of 2019, there were many great additions to the GitHub community. One of the remarkable features is the ability to customize your profile.


Without any overdue, I have analyzed a couple of tips from the link above and looked into samples, and created my customized GitHub profile.

Of course, it is not perfect. I am looking to make it better over time.

Please, let me know your suggestions and feedback or share your #awesome GitHub profile with the community!

Latest updates on OSS 🧡 AWESOME Azure Bicep 💪

Hello Cloud Marathoners!

As you were informed in my last post, I have published a new GitHub repo to help the community and new learners with Azure Bicep resources. The new repo – AWESOME Azure Bicep 💪 is getting a high interest from all of you.

Thank you very much for accessing, starring ⭐ and forking 🍴 it!
If you learn about it now, please check it out here.

And this is not all. We have plenty of room to grow this repo with the latest contributions from you.

Two new contributors

In less than a week, we got two great contributions from Kasun Rajapakse and Luke Murray 🙌. Thank you very much for your contributions!

Get started with Azure Bicep

Let’s step-up your game and start learning the latest 🚀 Azure #infrastructureascode language (aka, Bicep).
I sincerely invite you to become a part of this really great “learn and share” initiative of Azure Bicep.

Share your interest and knowledge with the community by opening your very first GitHub PR.

Looking for a video course on Azure Bicep ?🤔
>> Azure Bicep First Look 👉 is here to help!


This project is growing and let’s become a part of this Azure Bicep community !

Ready to make your first PR to Awesome Azure Bicep repo?
Please check out the contribution guide or reach out if you need help in this process.

What is the AWESOME Azure Bicep ? 💪

Hello Cloud Marathoners!

I have been getting many questions on how to start an Azure Bicep journey – in a special and AWESOME way 😀 – which brought an idea to create the AWESOME Azure Bicep GitHub repo for the community 🎉

Long story short, this has been on ideation for few days and is life now, as of Jan 18, 2022 ! 😍

Now, I have started gradually adding important official and community resources to help new #Azure learners and #cloudmarathoners!

AWESOME Azure Bicep repo

Please, share ⭐ and fork 🍴 this repo and make your contributions.

I really ask you 🙌🙏 to make your contributions and help maintain and grow this repo going forward.

Thank you for all your 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 continued support!

Welcoming the Microsoft Exam Simulator ✔️

Hi Cloud Marathoners!

It is pretty common for every new student to be worried about exam software ⚙️ and its user expereince, in addition to being prepared for the exam. However, this is not an issue anymore.

Microsoft Learn has introduced a demo exam simulator that looks, works and feels like you are having a real Microsoft exam. This news was just announced by Microsoft Learn Blog.

I believe this is an important help for all the #cloudmarathoners and friends who are just starting their Microsoft Azure journey.

Why is it helpful?

Well, using this new exam sandbox should better prepare you for the exam experience. This should also increase your familiarity with the user interface, how to navigate between exam sections, pages and Q&A.

This simulator also shows you what actions are required to answer each of the different question types, where information about the exam is located, how to mark questions for review and how to provide comments at the end of the exam.


Keep in mind that a secure browser that will be launched during a real exam will block all third-party applications running on your computer. Thus, I would strongly advise you to install and run the exam provider’s (like, Pearson VUE or any other) simulator on your local computer a day or two before the actual exam date. This will be an additional peace of mind to have in your checklist for a pleasant exam experience.


I sincerely wish you Good Luck ❤️ in your upcoming exam(s) !

Are you ready to give it a try ?
Then check it out for #free >>

References: New to Microsoft certification exams?

Happy to join the #OpenHack Containers coaches club 🎉

Hello Cloud Marathoners!

Few weeks ago, I participated in the Microsoft OpenHack Containers event. This was an awesome event where I had a chance to coach a team of professionals to tackle containerization challenges.

What is Microsoft OpenHack

Microsoft OpenHack is a developer-focused engagement that connects development teams (Open) with experts to tackle a series of real-world challenges through hands-on experimentation (Hack) in person or online (Virtual).

What was in the challenge?

We started with good old docker tooling for containers and ended up migrating those several containers and dependencies to the Azure Kubernetes Services. However, the most interesting part was applying best practices and security configurations to the migrated workloads.

Due to participation disclosure agreement, I would not be able to detail each team challenge (about 7-8). However, this was real teamwork that required learning and experimenting for all the team members.

My team went through ups and downs while trying to complete the necessary number of challenges to earn the badge. I am very happy that my team was able to complete the required challenges, learn important hands-on skills, and get their well deserved badges.

I was very pleased to help my team along their containerization journey. At the end, I feel very honored and appreciated to receive an OpenHack Containers Coach badge.

OpenHack: Containers Coach

Interested to get started with containers in Azure ?

Check out the following #free resources to start your own containerization learning path in Azure:

Thank you  🙌 for reading this post and checking the learning resources above.

Please, feel free to share your experience with the #cloudmarathoner community.
I will be happy to share your experience and tips here as well. 🎉

I am planning to keep this post up to date with your valuable contributions going forward!

Study guide DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI

Hello Cloud Marathoners!

I am very happy to announce my next Microsoft certification badge!.
This time, I was able to pass the DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power 🚀 BI.

Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate

If you are looking forward to get prepared for this exam, then check out the following resources:

📌 Microsoft Learn modules:
➟ Get started with Microsoft data analytics

➟ Prepare data for analysis

➟ Model data in Power BI

➟ Visualize data in Power BI

➟ Data analysis in Power BI

➟ Manage workspaces and datasets in Power BI

📌 YouTube courses:
➟ Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI | DA-100 Certification Exam Prep

➟ DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI – FULL COURSE in 2 hours

📌 Udemy Course:
➟ DA-100 certification: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI by Phillip Burton at

Microsoft Learn Updates Jan 14, 2022

If you’ve already earned the Data Analyst Associate certification, you will see the new name in your Certification Dashboard on February 28, 2022.

If you’ve been studying for Exam DA-100, no worries. You have until March 31, 2022, to take it. 

If you’ve just started preparing for Exam DA-100, consider reviewing the skills requirements for new Exam PL-300 and switching your focus to the new exam because the exams are very similar.  However, between February 28 and March 31, 2022, learners can pass either exam to earn their Power BI Data Analyst Associate certification.

Microsoft Lean blog
thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled 
							Announcing a new name for the Data Analyst Associate certification


Thank you for reading this post and checking the preparation resources.

Please, feel free to share your experience, as i am planning to keep this post up to date with your valuable contributions going forward. #keeplearning

Azure Bicep First Look course is released!

Happy Friday friends,

Are you looking for a simpler, more efficient way to author infrastructure resources in Azure?

Azure Bicep First Look course

If so, you’re in luck. Azure Bicep is here to help. Bicep is a new domain-specific language (DSL) for deploying resources in Azure. It’s also a much cleaner, more concise language than ARM JSON—cloud admins and DevOps professionals, rejoice!

Please, let me know if you need any help with my new Azure Bicep First Look course.

I am here to help you in your Cloud journey!
Stay tuned for more Azure content!

What are the good options to manage sensitive info in Azure Bicep?

Hello Cloud Marathoners,

Every seasoned IT professional knows that sensitive information should not be exposed as a clear text on any code. This is especially true for infrastructure-as-code (aka, IaC) scenarios where passwords and keys are part of the deployment.

One way to stay compliant in accomplishing this goal is the integration of an Azure Key Vault service into your deployment code. This Azure security service is primarily intended to store sensitive information like password, keys, certificates, connections, etc.

In this post, we will look into two different ways how we could integrate Azure Key Vault services in our Azure Bicep code.

Option – 1: Using getSecret() function

Our first option is to delegate this important work to a getSecret() function. This option could be used with an existing Azure Key Vault resource that is declared in your Azure Bicep code.

Let’s look into an example where an existing Azure Key Vault service is referenced to provide administrative password for SQL server deployment.

Deploying Azure SQL instance with Azure Key Vault

This sample Bicep code is using sqldb.bicep file as a module, where parameters; such as sqlServerName and adminLogin are passed through with a secret name of ExamplePassword.

The ExamplePassword secret name should be already set and ready in the referenced Key Vault service above. Here is the view of this secret on Azure portal.

Azure Key Vault with secretes in portal

Let’s have a quick view into the sqldb.bicep file, as it is referenced in the main Bicep file.

sqldb.bicep file

Now, let’s deploy these resources with a secret value from Key Vault resource that has a secret name ExamplePassword.

What happened? I am getting an error on my first deployment execution 🙁

Error on deploying Bicep code with SQL server provisioning

Upon carefully analyzing error, I see the following reason for this error:

At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.”,”details”:[{“code”:”RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning”,”message”:”Location ‘East US 2’ is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.

Azure deployment error

Based on the error message, we change the location to eastus and re-run the script. Now, we got the following positive result in console and portal:

Deployment results in Azure Portal RG

Next, we will attempt to login into a SQL Server instance.
A successful login will look like the following screen:

Successful login into the SQL instance

Important Note:

If you are getting an error during the login then try to check the following steps:

  • adminLogin name is entered correctly
  • your IP address is added to the SQL server firewall rules
  • grab a cup of coffee and check back in 5 minutes

Description of a typical login error into a SQL server instance is provided below. I checked the firewall rules and made a cup of coffee => before getting a successful log-in 🙂

Requires your location IP activation

Option -2: Referencing as a secretName in parameter

The second option is pretty straightforward, if you have already used it on ARM template deployments.

Note: Please check out the following post – Four parameterization options for your Azure Bicep deployments for detailed information on available options.

We just need to reference Azure Key Vault secret like in the following example:

Using a parameter file and referencing the Key Vault secretName will do the trick in extracting the value and provisioning your resource.

Let’s run the bicep file that deploys multiple RGs and an Azure VM that uses VMPassword secret.

Running deployment with Bicep parameter file

A successful deployment provisions following RG with the VM resources:

Next, we should smoke test our deployment by locating the resource group “rg-demo-vm-1116” and using deployment parameters to RDP into Windows server:

Finally, we are able to see that secret and admin user name pair worked as expected

Azure VM deployed using Key Vault secret


In this post, we looked into two available options that harden our infrastructure code by removing hard-coded sensitive information and replacing it with Azure Key Vault reference. Thus, avoiding any potential leaks of passwords, secrets, etc.

IMHO, first option is better than the later one, because it does not expose subscription id and other small details.

What will be your choice? Please, share on LinkedIn post comments section.

Thank you for your interest my #cloudmarathoner friends!
Please, check other Azure Bicep posts and let me know your feedback.

What is next?

All code samples and presented Bicep files are placed in “Learn-Bicep” GitHub repo 👉

Please, join me to learn more about Azure Bicep 💪 on an Omaha Azure User Group meetup scheduled to happen on November 17th.

Azure Bicep presentation for Omaha Azure User Group

Hello friends,

I am very excited to see you all in the next Omaha Azure User Group meetup. This time we will speak about the latest advancements and use cases you could apply in your Azure resource authoring toolkit.

This meeting will take place on November 17th, starting at 6 PM CST. Details of the event are posted here: and on my LinkedIn post.

Please, make your registration at the meetup website here.

Support & Subscribe to #cloudmarathoner LinkedIn tag 👏👀
Stay tuned for more Azure, Automation & Security related posts.

Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ 🎯 ᴀɴᴅ become ᴀ #cloudmarathoner ⛅🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ – 𝐋𝐄𝐓’𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓 👍

Microsoft Ignite 2021 – Cloud Skills Challenge is back

Hello Cloud Marathoners,

As it was the case last year, Microsoft Ignite is back and held digitally free of charge, during Nov 2-4 🎉 🎇

Microsoft Ignite is a signature event and held virtually for a global audience across a variety of industries to experience the latest and greatest technologies. It is an event where you could get a sneak peek at new products and services that will be coming in the future.

Microsoft Ignite 2021 – Cloud Skills Challenge

Cloud Skills Challenge

This year you could choose from 12 tech challenges and select the one that is right for you. Once you complete that challenge you will earn a free Microsoft Certification exam that can be applied to your choice from a select list of options:

  • Azure Developer Challenge
  • Azure Admin Challenge
  • Identity + Information Protection Challenge
  • Teams Admin Challenge
  • Teams Voice Engineer Challenge
  • Azure Database Admin Challenge
  • Desktop and Device Management Challenge
  • Windows Server Hybrid Admin Challenge
  • Dynamics 365 Sales Consultant Challenge
  • Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Mgmt Challenge
  • Power Platform Developer Challenge
  • Security Operations Analyst Challenge

When does the challenge begin?

The listed challenges will begin on November 2, 2021 and end on November 30, 2021. You can start your registration here to join the challenge.

What happens when I complete my Cloud Skills challenge?

According to the guidelines from official Cloud Skills Challenge website:

If you complete your challenge before it ends, one Microsoft Certification exam will be associated with your Learn profile on December 7, 2021. You will be notified via email when it becomes available.

A Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge character displays their awarded medals.

What are the Terms and Conditions?

Check out the Official rules; including Terms and Conditions with FAQ in this web page.


That’s it friends, buckle up to complete your challenge before Nov 30, 2021 to earn new skills and receive a complementary Azure exam award 🏆.

Good Luck 🤞 in your new Cloud Skills Challenge !